Hello.. Today is Day 11 and my Dad's neutrophils jumped all the way up to 1200! Thank you neupogen.. (a white cell booster that he has been getting each day). He is still feeling pretty nauseated and food just doesn't seem appealing yet and he isn't eating much. He also just feels completely wiped out. Thankfully.. no fevers or infections and no mouth sores still so there are some positive things to come out of this transplant.
Yesterday as my Dad was talking with the doc's he put his hand up on his head and with that came out a big clump of hair. The tech trimmed off his beard that he had been growing out since his admission to the hospital and the rest of his hair. My mom and I headed up to the hospital and we finished off the job. When I brought the picture home to Brandon, he thought my Dad had a resemblance to Terry O'Quinn, or John Locke on Lost. I think so!
We are hoping he will come home early next week. Hopefully he can rest, start feeling better and work at getting his strength and appetite back. Thanks for your comments, thoughts and prayers.
Jeff, if I had known you would look so great with your head shaved, I would have bribed your kids to shave your head a long time ago (while you were sleeping, of course). No kidding, you are very handsome with hair or without. Mac and I were so happy to hear about your neutrophil count reaching 1200!! I suspect your positive attitude may have some influence on this, that and the support of all your loved ones.
ReplyDeleteLove, Sue
We are so happy to hear of your progress, and we pray it continues to get better and better. I have to agree with Sue, you look great with the shaved head! It's great to see a positive spirit in your face, and smile. Hang in there. We continue to pray for you and your family, and we hope you can get some good rest when you return home.
ReplyDeleteWith all our love,
Erica, Daniel and family
Mom had told us that your hair had come out. Next chance we got, we brought up the blog. The first picture that loaded as the site came up was Terry O'Quinn. Since I am not really aquianted with who that is, my first response was - 'Good grief!! look what the chemo has done to Jeff. He doesn't even look like Jeff.' Seconds later I was relieved to see the real Jeff. I agree with Sue, you look good. We are praying you get to come home this week. I know you will be more comfortable there - and maybe more interested in eating. You fill our hearts and prayers.
Mike and Jan